Wednesday 25 March 2015

Sugar-Free Blueberry Muffins: A Recipe From Diabetic Gourmet Magazine

In my first post I asked: Are recipes from diabetic cookbooks good, bad or just plain ugly? For this recipe I wanted to cook a diabetes friendly dessert so I investigated the diabetic cookbooks I owned. Out of Diabetes Cookbook for Dummies(2007) and Diabetes Recipes(2012) I couldn't find anything that I wanted to cook (perhaps suggesting the answer is 'bad or just plain ugly'). So I cast my net wider and searched the internet. One of my favourite snacks pre-diabetes was a Blueberry Muffin, so that's what I decided to look for. Post-diabetes I have learned that Blueberries are considered a 'diabetic superfood' as they have been proven to increase insulin sensitivity and aid the management of blood sugar.

The recipe I used to make the muffins pictured above was from Diabetic Gourmet Magazine at this web addressThe website does not give an author for the recipe, but gives Splenda as the source. 

The language in this recipe doesn't have the conversational tone that we saw in Oliver's and I found the instructions harder to follow. The last time I baked anything I required adult supervision, so I felt out of my depth starting this.

The Good: 
  • They tasted amazing.
  • >10g of sugar.
  • Nutritional information provided so no need to carb count. 
  • Recipe devised with diabetes in mind.
  • Once I understood what I was doing this was really fun to complete. 
The Bad: 
  • I thought my arms were going to drop off 'creaming the fat' 
  • I had to ask someone to explain the recipe/ what I needed to do before I could start doing it. 
  • The temptation to eat them all in one go is overwhelming. 
The Ugly:
  • My kitchen after cooking these muffins. 
My overall thoughts are that diabetic recipes are far more good, than bad or ugly. I would give this recipe an 8/10. The muffins turned out great in the end and it was amazing to enjoy an old treat guilt free. Non-betics watching what they eat should consider giving Diabetic recipes a go, as a diabetic diet is fairly similar to the healthy diet nutritionists recommend everyone abide by. Will definitely be making this again in the future! 

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